Bilayer Magnetic Soft Actuators with Spontaneous Curvature

Tufts University 2018-2019


Soft actuators have a range of applications in the mechanical and biomedical field. The soft properties of soft actuators give them properties that are beneficial in specific applications and environments. Certain applications that have seen use of soft actuatorsinclude swimming robotics[1] and biosensors for strain and stress gauging[2]. Soft actuators have also been used in microdevice technology for microsyringes[3] and neurite growth enhancement[4]. Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and silicone oil has been used to create bilayer films with a spontaneous curvature[5]. Additionally, chromium dioxide microparticles have been used to create magnetic actuator films[6]. Chromium dioxide has an easily reachable and relatively low curie temperature of 391 K (118°C), which allows us to control the magnetization of the material. The curie temperature of the films can be reached by raising the temperature of the material using a laser. This project aims at creating flexible and magnetic actuator films by combining PDMS, silicone oil, and chromium dioxide. This will require an experimental understanding of the material performance with varying parameters and inventive design of geometry for the actuation.