The experiments done in this project have verified that magnetic soft actuator films can be produced using PDMS, silicone oil, and chromium dioxide. Overall, the procedure to create the films is straight forward, simple, and cost effective. Experimentally, the films contracted close to the theoretical values from literature. The curvature results indicate a range of 1 to 4 cm-1 can be achieved using different silicone oil concentration and film thickness. While greater curvature range and differentiation was expected from the thickness experiments, the film creation method can be improved to decrease variability. The theoretical values of the curvature must be analyzed further, as the mechanical properties of the material changes with the addition of CrO2. The results of this project are necessary in proving that complex 3D shapes with spontaneous curvature can be created, and they show promise in unique shapes and movements for mechanical and biomedical applications.
The project, limited to a semester, accomplished the investigation of material properties and behavior. The continuation of this project will require the creation of the two models presented in this report. Different permanent magnets of different strength and different light intensities will have to be tested to achieve actuation for the different geometries. Improvements in film variability will be achieved by the addition of hexane and longer leveling times during the film curing process. The magnetic films created in this project could have interesting applications. Complex patterns, which could be created with photomasks or combination of different geometry can lead to impressive systems of soft robotic systems and motion.